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The Minister for Training & Skills, the Hon Steve Herbert MP presented awards to winners at the 2015 Victorian Learn Local Awards at Collingwood Town Hall on 10th September 2015.

YouthNowโ€™s BizE Centre was the winner in the Excellence in Creating Local Solutions Award. The BizE Centre provides training for youth facing employment barriers. In a setting that is exactly like an entry level job the BizE Centre lets young people develop employability skills and confidence in the workplace while assisting staff with real and meaningful work.

Colleen Bergin, YouthNowโ€™s CEO thankedย the ACFE Board for the trust and flexibility of the Learn Local Program which enables local organisations to develop local solutions.

Colleen also thanked the partners who support the BizE Centre and in particular Key Business Advisors from Essendon. Colin Wilson Director of Key Business Advisors delivers business call centre and customer service training to students free of chargeย and assists students with finding employment.

About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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