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DiSC Catalyst is a new online platform that helps you create a wonderful, collaborative workplace culture that drives your organisation forward.

DiSC Catalyst – Online Platform

DiSC Catalyst takes your Everything DiSC experience to the next level using an online platform that helps improve your workplace culture and drives your team to become more engaged, adaptive, and collaborative!

The Everything DiSC platform offers a proven, scientifically validated assessment with a 90% accuracy rating from learners worldwide. This means that a DiSC workplace has been shown to have higher levels of employee commitment and cooperation.

The DiSC Catalyst platform allows you to respond to behavioural statements on a five-point scale to measure preferences and tendencies based on the DiSC model. This simple yet powerful DiSC assessment model describes four basic behavioural styles: D (Dominance), i (influence), S (Steadiness), and C (Conscientiousness).

The DiSC Catalyst platformโ€™s ongoing learning process allows you to efficiently conduct valuable DiSC assessments and use that data to perform efficient social and emotional skills training with your employees.

By understanding how your employees connect with the DiSC styles that make up the DiSC Assessment model, the experts at Key Business Advisors can help run the best in-person training models to suit your team.

DISC Catalyst

Start your DiSC Journey today with Catalyst

With easy-to-use computer adaptive testing, flexible facilitation, and the proven power of Everything DiSC, the DiSC Catalyst Platform has everything you need to create an engaged, collaborative, and adaptive culture whether you are working at home, in the office, or somewhere in between.

If you would like to learn more about creating a DiSC workplace, DiSC assessments, or details on the DiSC styles, or need help setting up the DiSC Catalyst platform, then get in touch with KBA today to begin your DiSC Catalyst journey!

DiSC Catalyst Video

Learn how using the Catalyst learning platform can assist with online DiSC workplace profiling and the facilitation of online training in this video!

โ€˜DiSCโ€™ and โ€˜Everything DiSCโ€™ are registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Call 1300 4 ADVICE to learn how Everything DiSC Catalyst can help improve your business

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