KBA’s Employee of the Month: Grant McKenzie
September 20, 2013
Grant “The Gun” McKenzie is KBA’s Employee for the Month for August!
KBA Director Colin Wilson announced on the first week of September that Grant got the most votes from KBA colleagues. Staff members who nominated Grant for the award said they did so because:
- “Grant took the opportunity at a recent networking function to successfully book himself out in the coming months with his sales training services”
- “[of] all his hard work over the last month”
- “he delivered great financial results”
Some of the reasons Grant stood out in August, according to his colleagues:
- “He is always keen and excited to speak to business owners, managers and staff about what he can do to help their business.”
- “We have had great feedback from a number of clients, which highlights his value to KBA.”
- “Grant has done a great job getting rebooked with clients who obviously like his style and the results he gets for them. His Telstra experience allows him to excel in both retail and B2B sales training.”
- “He is prepared to go the extra mile to stay ahead and lead.”
Colleagues said Grant leads by example to inspire others to:
- Always stay focused
- Keep high standards
- Follow up every customer, find a reason to call, ask for the order and ask again for one more product. Also, ask for referrals on a regular basis – sheer tenacity.
- Always stay motivated, focus on every opportunity and love what you do. “Grant has a huge passion to train and develop sales champions!”
Well done, Grant!
For more information on Grant, please read his profile here. You can contact him on 1300 4 ADVICE, email grant@keyba.com.au, or connect with him on LinkedIn.