
Why are you nominating this person?  

  • Olga had a challenging month and really stepped up, managing different issues with many clients
  • Olga has done a wonderful job managing her workload
  • Worked extremely hard last month and is always 100% attention to detail with our clients
  • Olga has built great relationships with her clientele and they rely on her

What makes this person stand out for this month?

  • Olga always manages to stay on top of all the requests and issues from clients and has done a fantastic job
  • Her commitment and dedication to her clients and the team
  • A very dedicated and loyal employee
  • Olga is always there for not just her managed clients but also for all KBA clientele supporting her colleagues

What could others learn from your nominee?

  • Keeps going even when things are really tough
  • Providing excellent customer service
  • Hard work and dedication is tiring but very rewarding
  • How to juggle things, work with others and ask for support or help when needed

About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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