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Without any doubtย this yearย is far fromย a normal year.ย Given the pandemic situation,ย there has been a lotย of chatterย lately aboutย the relevance ofย performanceย conversations andย the needย to lightenย up the process.ย Itย can be confusing to decideย whetherย you should keep running your performance reviewsย or not.

Withย increasedย number of people working from home, abandoning these reviews can result in losingย connectionย with your team.ย Remember,ย Leadership isย all about setting goals and objectives;ย you must lead and manage your team through this pandemic by setting clear goals and KPIs.

Having performance conversationsย presentย a greatย opportunityย for leadersย to give meaningful feedbackย to their team.ย These check-in conversationsย will help youย addressย performance issuesย and giveย your teamย a directionย to follow.

Find out the importance of conducting performance reviews during COVID-19 and learn strategies on how to address under performance:

Topics include:

  • The importance of Performance Management during COVID-19
  • Ways to address performance and conduct issues, even remotely
  • How to address staff who are under performing or misconduct
  • How to give staff an official warning
  • How to prevent an unfair dismissal or adverse action claim

Slide Deck – Handling performance Management

About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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