Keyba Careers Launches New Program to Help Young People be Job Ready
You may have heard or seen social media posts about Keyba Careers. We are very excited to say we had the Official Launch of Keyba Careers on Friday 16th March at the Australian Events Centre in Essendon Fields, where we showcased our new initiative, designed to empower our young people entering the job market.
Colin Wilson, Director of Key Business Advisors and newly founded company Keyba Careers, was very fortunate to receive a government grant from the City of Moonee Valley in June 2017. It is with this grant that they developed their program to an online platform and now ready for its release.
Over the past 4 years, Colin has volunteered his time to help a Non-for-Profit organisation in Sunshine, called YouthNow by developing and facilitating a training program to help young people secure a job of their choice, achieving a high rate of success for these young participants.
With youth unemployment at critical levels in our community, Colin strongly believes the Keyba Careers’ program can help numerous young people better position themselves to secure employment. The ‘Employer Engagement Program’ is all about teaching young people to be more street-smart when seeking and applying for the right job for them. It teaches them exactly what employers are looking for in today’s market, thereby giving them a competitive edge that will assist them to take that all-important first steps in attaining, for many of them, their first real job.
“Australia has many talented young people coming through our education system. If they cannot perform well in the interview process this will have a detrimental effect on their self-esteem, confidence, attitude and willingness to work. Many parents are looking for solutions for their children, wanting them to enter the workforce, and they turn to the education system and organisations for help”.
For further information about Keyba Careers’ Employer Engagement Program, contact Lorraine Wilson, General Manager of Key Business Advisors and Keyba Careers on 1300 4 ADVICE or go to
You can also check out this video link testimonial of Colleen Bergin, CEO of YouthNow who has endorsed this program.