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By Scott Kelly
Business Improvement Uncategorised

We know the employee market is challenging at the moment, especially for small businesses. As weโ€™re full swing into the new year, what are your desires for taking your business to the next level?

How are you going to build an even better, stronger team that is empowered to do the work for your customers, each other, and your company?ย 

Building a winning team requires focus, drive, and outcomes. Your team must be 100% engaged and committed to supporting and future-proofing your company’s growth to the next level. To achieve this, you need to ensure that your company strategy is clear, concise, and engaging for your staff to follow. At KBA we call this Best Practice!

As part of taking your business to the next level, building your team culture needs to be one that is outstanding and rewarding, where everyone works smarter together to get the job done. Most importantly, what are you going to do differently to celebrate the big wins, and the little milestones along the way? Your goal is to get everyone committed to driving those outcomes, as well as to do other meaningful things, to take your team culture to another level. The secret is having commitment from all stakeholders, where you have clarity and buy-in regarding the goals and objectives that must be achieved.

As a business owner or manager, you must ask yourself some questions. Is your company in reactive mode or proactive mode? Is there strong synergy among all departments and staff, with everyone on the same page in driving the strategy throughout all aspects of your business? A way of knowing of this alignment is a positive atmosphere where your staff are engaged and willingly going above and beyond for the benefit of the business.ย  Assess your staff retention rates and client satisfaction levels. Are you keeping and growing your existing customers whilst generating new business? Is your business in good shape, where you have a culture that is second to none, continued growth, and good challenges and rewards?

We all want everyone empowered in our company, a sign of a thriving business with a vibrant culture. You need to face the fact, there will be staff that come and go, but if your business is in good shape, this should not affect the everyday running of your business as your team steps up to maintain peak performance. This also demonstrates that your staff are passionate about their job, results-driven, and supporting of you as the owner. Your goal is to position your company where it is a power of attraction for new talent, driven by shared values throughout your business.

Below are some ideas to ensure your business becomes an employer of choice:

  • Regular communication aligned with your business strategy highlighting progress.
  • Meaningful team meetings encouraging contribution from everyone.
  • Company goals and objectives broken down into departments and individual targets.
  • Recognition and praise for great outcomes, including milestone moments.
  • Conduct performance discussions where staff feel they have contributed and valued.
  • Implement training and development plans, including succession planning.
  • Participating in client events that support your company.
  • Celebrating birthdays and work anniversaries.
  • Offering flexible working hours and working from home options.
  • Having wellbeing days as an appreciation for hard effort.
  • Engaging in charity functions or events involving staff any the company.
  • Orgainising team dinners and outings.

Staff engagement is everything, and building culture does not happen overnight. It requires great leadership, with everyone on the same page going in the right direction, and this is led from the top.ย  As a leader, you need to be planned and organised. You need to be a great communicator in the way you facilitate meetings, training sessions and team events. Again, this all links back to your strategic plan.

When you have things in place that are linked to good strategy, it creates alignment especially when you address the non-performers and recognise and praise your best performers.ย  As mentioned before, HR Best Practice is all about empowering staff to perform where individuals take ownership to drive personal and company outcomes. Itโ€™s also about looking at staff capability and resources who can deliver on company outcomes required that will take a company to the next level.

Get involved and be part of our next FREE webinar โ€“ โ€˜Driving Culture Outcomesโ€™, click on this link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_kFJV4erbRBKYb4pnHwdBFA#/registration

Key Business Advisors has a proven model that spans over 16 years.ย  We have a dedicated team that delivers results, that are aligned with our mission, vision, values, and purpose.ย  We take our clients go from good to great because we become embedded in our client’s business through the services, we provide covering all aspects of employee engagement and performance.ย  We have a proven model that results in building great client relationships all over Australia.

To learn more about our company and access FREE resources to help your business grow and get to the next level:

At KBA, we are very passionate about taking businesses from good to great. If you need assistance in enhancing performance through a strong organisational culture, please donโ€™t hesitate to contact us today!

If you would like to explore our services further or require assistance, please reach out to Key Business Advisors on 1300 4 ADVICE

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