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By Key Business Advisors
Human Resources News

work social functionWith the festive season fast approaching, you must ensure that you have put in place measures to avoid risks that could come up at your work-related Christmas parties and social events. Remind each of your staff members of your company policies, particularly those on discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, bullying, drugs and alcohol, and using the companyโ€™s motor vehicles.

Send a memo to all staff to remind them of the behaviour expected of them when they are representing your company to clients, as well as when they are at work functions. Click here to download our Festive Season Memo template โ€“ just keep in mind that your Festive Season Memo must be supported by your Social Events Policy.

For more information or if you require a Social Events Policy, please call our HR Advisors on 1300 4 ADVICE or email info@keyba.com.au.

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