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Human Resources News

Changes to Award Conditions

On 12 December 2017, the Fair Work Commission made some changes to the overtime rates and shift entitlements for casual and part-time employees in some awards, including the Retail and the Hospitality Award.

The changes are already in place and have been since the 1st January 2018.

The changes have been made for the following awards:

• Fast Food Award
• Hair and Beauty Award
• Hospitality Award
• Passenger Vehicle Award
• Pastoral Award
• Rail Award
• Registered Clubs Award
• Restaurant Award
• Retail Award
• Social and Community Services Award
• Wine Award.

The decision introduces overtime rates for casual employees in many of these awards, and changes how part-time hours can be worked in others.
Casual employees within the above-mentioned awards will now be entitled to overtime rates for hours worked over 38 hours a week or in excess of the ordinary hours in a day or a week. Some casuals may also be entitled in some awards to overtime rates if they work outside the span of hours.
If your business is covered by any of these awards, you should know how the decision will impact your casual and part time employees.

Hospitality Award

Part-time employees
The main changes are:

  • Part-time employees can now be engaged for a minimum of hours per week. Employers and employees must agree on the minimum number of hours to be worked each week.
  • Part-time employees can now be rostered for additional hours during their availability period without getting payment for overtime.

Casual employees
Casual employees now have an entitlement to overtime pay.
They get overtime when working:

  • More than 38 hours per week, or an average of 38 hours per week over a roster cycle
  • More than 12 hours per day.

Retail Award

Casual employees now have an entitlement to overtime pay.
They get overtime when working:

  • More than 38 hours per week, or an average of 38 hours per week over a roster cycle
  • Outside of the span of ordinary hours
  • More than 11 hours on one day of the week, and more than 9 hours on any other day of the week.

Contact us on 1300 4 ADVICE to discuss the changes and what they mean to you and your workforce.

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