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By Key Business Advisors
Human Resources

Employees are an important component to a business’ success. If you have aligned and motivated employees that are dedicated and hardworking, you will have a greater chance of success than a business with a high turnover of disengaged and unmotivated employees.

Getting the right person from the start is integral to the mutual success of the role function. The time and attention needed to recruit the right person in your business should not be taken lightly.

What can go wrong is hiring in haste or poor induction practices, and so often I have seen businesses do this, only to be recommencing the recruitment process within months or sometimes even weeks. It’s estimated that approximately between 20%-30% of employees leave their jobs within the first 90 days of their employment. This is no doubt time wasting and costly to a business.

Whilst turn over early in the employment relationship could be caused from a range of many things including poor induction, poor performance or workplace culture, I have found there is nearly always a link back to the recruitment or on-boarding process.

Did the advertisement attract enough suitable candidates? Were the role expectations made clear in the beginning? Was the interview structured and consistent for each candidate? Were the questions specific to the role? Was there an induction plan?

Sometimes, businesses may not have even contemplated these things when recruiting for themselves. Often recruitment in small business is informal and unstructured, easily overlooking some of these important recruitment and induction steps. So, when there is an opportunity to recruit in your business, assess this as an opportunity for you to consider outsourcing the recruitment process by asking yourself, how is this going to help my business?

Here are some points to consider when answering this question:

Efficient use of time

Recruiting can be very time consuming where many businesses find that time is a resource they cannot afford to waste. Writing job advertisements, reviewing applications, screening candidates, conducting interviews, reference checking and notifying successful or unsuccessful candidates all whilst running a business could take months. Outsourcing will help speed up the process, saving you time in having to perform these steps yourself.


Of course, outsourcing your recruitment will be a cost to you. However, in the long run this will save you money by getting the best fit person to fill the vacancy, leading to longer retention and productivity of employees in the workplace. You won’t be devoting your time caught up with candidate administration instead allowing you to focus on your business income.

Compliant processes

Laws pertaining to employment are forever changing and ensuring that compliance with new or updated legal requirements is important when undertaking a recruitment process. Outsourced recruitment professionals streamline recruitment steps ensuring compliance with employment laws throughout the recruitment process.

High calibre candidates

This the main advantage of outsourcing recruitment. The recruitment experts invest their time and attention to sourcing, shortlisting through screening candidates and presenting the best candidates for the client to select for an interview. This is further affirmed by having the recruiter in a good understanding of your business’ culture and team dynamics. A good recruiter will take the time to visit your premises to understand how you and your business operates.

Facilitated on-boarding

Once the candidate has been placed the recruiter will ensure the new employee is introduced to key stakeholders and there is an induction plan in place. Recruiters want to see both the client and the new employee succeed in this new union. Working with the client, recruiters offering this service will devise an on-boarding program (or adopt the clients existing one) to ensure the first few weeks and months see the employee thrive in their new role.

Key Business Advisors have helped countless of organisations with their recruitment strategy and finding the perfect candidate for their business. Talk to one of our HR experts today and call 1300-4-ADVICE.

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