
To grow a business and get it to the next level, it’s about having the right people in place who can make a difference. As business owners, we want to employ the right people who can help us get our business to where we want it to grow. Therefore we are always on the lookout for new talents to come and help us. So what do you do? How do you get the right people in your business to help you thrive over the next 12 months? Maybe you have these people already, or maybe not? Maybe you could be holding your business back through the lack of planning. Do you need to re-think your strategy if it is not working?

Quality staff means quality results, so how are you planning to drive your company in the next financial year to ensure that you can take your business to the next level through your people? We all want great results, but more importantly, we want consistency as you cannot do it yourself. We have seen what is happening out there with the great resignation and the problems in finding your next talented person, however, you cannot wait for things to get better. It is up to you to make things happen now!

Do you trust your staff?

This is my first question, if you don’t trust your staff, this is a bad sign. Are you always checking in on them because of trust issues being reactive? Is this because they are incapable or can’t do their job, or is it because you’re too busy or are not prepared to put any time into developing them? You cannot run a successful business if you don’t trust your staff to do what you want them to do. How are you going to work this out? It is a sign of more struggles to come, and if you don’t trust them, expect them to leave through the lack of support.

Engaging and Empowering Staff

Your staff is always looking for direction and leadership. They are also looking for empowerment where they feel trusted in doing meaningful work for not only your business, themselves, and your customers. You need to be clear about what you want them to do. This is a good time of the year to strategise where you want to grow your business. You may need to re-think your strategy not only for yourself and your business but also for your staff. This might mean there is a bit of realignment of position descriptions, role clarification and an adjustment of pay and hours worked. Whatever you come up with, it needs to be a win-win for you, the business and your staff.

Staff Training and Development

To keep quality staff, it is recommended that you train and develop them to get them to the next level. Spending time training and developing your staff is the key to keeping them. There are no guarantees, but as a business owner or manager, training and developing your staff is a good way to keep them and make them feel valued. Most importantly, you build their trust where they can take ownership of their role, which further benefits your business. You still have to manage employees with expectations and recognise and praise them for their contribution with a reward for their effort.

Staff Issues

If you are having some staff issues, you first need to address this, and our HR Team is here to help if needed. If the above is not working, you need to put a plan in place to turn this situation around before things go from bad to worse. At KBA, we have seen this many times where one bad staff member can drag the whole department or company down. HR Best Practice is to try and turn things around through performance expectations. If this is not working, then it is recommended to start performance counselling to either turn them around. If there is no take-up, then this will mostly lead to termination.

Attracting New Talent

The recruitment process is harder at the moment, but one thing we are seeing is quality staff wanting to find the next employer who has a good strategy. A strategy around their business, their people, and their clients. They want to know what the direction of the company is before they make a decision. Yes, money is important, but equally important is the opportunity to grow and develop where they see themselves fitting into your business. They will want to know what the environment and culture are like in your business before they make a decision. It is up to you to demonstrate that you are a great employer!

Business Strategy

What is your business strategy for the next financial year? Do you have one? Do you need to refresh this or create a new, well-documented business plan? Who will you hold accountable for creating the necessary changes? If you can achieve this internally, then do it. If you need outside help, then go and find the right fit for your company to make your strategy happen. Seeking outsourced help to re-think and challenge what you are doing will also raise the bar on expectations not only for you but also for your team. The goal is to keep your business on track and leave your competitors behind. 

At KBA, our team is working hard with our clients to get through the challenges mentioned above.  Our clients know that we are here for them, and they know we never give up and keep trying to help them. Most of all, they know if things don’t go to plan, we are the first person to get involved to address any business or employee issue. Why,? Because our purpose is to take our client on a journey through all aspects of employee engagement and performance.  Through this process, this is how we take their business from good to great!


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At KBA, we are a team that is very passionate about taking businesses from good to great. If you need help with business strategy, recruitment, or managing staff then contact us today!

If you would like help or want to know more about our services, please contact us at Key Business Advisors on 1300 4 ADVICE

About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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