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Growth Assessment & Action Plan

The purpose of the Growth Assessment & Action Plan is to establish a framework to manage governance in your business.

Business Growth Cycles

The Growth Assessment & Action Plan is a 3-step process which focuses on a growth assessment report that will be conducted on your business.

This report determines if your business operations are inline with your strategic intent or if there are currently any gaps in your organisation causing strategic drift. The report will also give you a rating on your businesses growth potential, outlining whether your company is at high growth potential or at high risk. It will help you establish where your business is at in terms of what is working? Is your business emerging? Is it growing or are you exiting?



The Growth Assessment and Action Plan 3-Step Process:

Step 1 – 90 Day Establishment Meeting:

After you have completed a Strategic Plan and developed a detailed understanding of the business priorities, there will be a meeting to review your growth assessment and commence a governance checklist. An action plan will be created with you to address any gaps that you may have in your governance foundations over a 3-month period.



Step 2 โ€“ Governance Structure Meeting:

This meeting will be focused on reviewing your progress on your action plan in stage 1.
You will also take a deeper dive in understanding where value is created and lost in your business using the Value Chain Assessment.

A key outcome of this meeting is the creation of your longer-term pathway for your governance structure.


Pending on your progress and business needs you will articulate:

  • The business stage you are in
  • A measured goal for the next 18 months
  • Board structure options
  • Key priorities for management, directors and your board
  • Identify the Advisor, Expert or Director profiles


Step 3 โ€“ Governance Framework Meeting:

This meeting is to finalise your governance framework.
This meeting will determine if your action plan has been successfully completed and whether a formalised Advisory Board is the right path for you. If your organisation isnโ€™t ready to onboard a formal Advisory Board, another pathway of governance will be determined, and you will be provided with alternative options.


These may include the following examples:

  • A Pop-Up Advisory Board
  • Think Tank
  • Industry Advisory Committee
  • Expert engagement
  • Governance Board
  • An informal Advisory Board


To discover your businesses growth potential with our 3-step process, contact us today!
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