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By Key Business Advisors
COVID 19 Human Resources News

Yesterday, the 8th April 2020, the FWC has passed a new bill in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

A new schedule has been introduced in 99 awards* and the change takes effect from the employeeโ€™s full pay period on or after 8 April 2020 until 30 June 2020 (unless extended).

The schedule provides employees with

  • Minimum of 2 weeks of unpaid pandemic leave
  • The ability for the employee to take Annual Leave at half pay

Unpaid pandemic Leave

Employees can access a minimum of 2 weeks unpaid leave (and more if the employer agrees) if they have to self-isolate or following an enforceable government direction restricting non-essential businesses. The leave is available to full-time, part-time and casual employees and does not need to be accrued. It is available immediately to all workers.

*Full list available here

Annual Leave

Employees are eligible to access their annual leave at half pay. This means that, if the employer agrees, the employee can take for example 2 weeks of annual leave and be paid for one full week. The agreement should be in writing and the employer should keep a copy.

For more details about the change, visit:

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