William Barrett & Sons Case Study
“Colin has been fantastic from the start and has a great understanding of not just HR and WHS, but the funeral industry and how those things apply practically. Chris is a fountain of knowledge and has assisted in guiding us through many challenges, as well as award interpretation and best practice policy and procedure creation. The whole team is great, but Colin and Chris are our main ‘go-to’s!“
“Policies and Procedures (compliance); managing grievances; onboarding (especially induction plans); offboarding; manager and supervisor training; DISC personality training; staff engagement survey; strategic planning; day to day advice on WHS and HR matters!”
How did those challenges impact your business?
“From a risk management point of view, I have confidence in our compliance with legislation and best practice; strategic planning has allowed the senior management team to set our strategy and communicate to the leadership team and the team as a whole; managers and supervisors were often promoted because of their operational skills, but were not given adequate training and support in leadership which has been addressed.”
Some of KBA solutions which helped your business:
Key Results/ Solutions by Key Business Advisors
Leadership/ Management Trainingย
Supervisor Training – Mentoring/ Coaching
“For example, we are proud to share our STAR Survey Results below, showcasing a fantastic outcome that reinforces Barretts as an employer of choice!”
How did KBA solutions help your business?
“Confidence in risk management and compliance; better team culture; better strategic planning; improved skills and knowledge of leadership team; day to day issues that arise – whether to give an answer, or feedback on solutions.”
– Adrian Barrett
ย Chief Executive, William Barrett & Sons
Services with KBA
- Strategic Planningย
- Staff Training, Recruitment and Onboardingย
- HR Advice & Supportย
- Workplace Surveys
- Business Improvement and Strategy daysย
- DiSC
- Leadership trainingย
- Management Training
- Mentoring/ Coaching
About William Barrett and Sons
“Colin has been fantastic from the start and has a great understanding of not just HR and WHS, but the funeral industry and how those things apply practically. Chris is a fountain of knowledge and has assisted in guiding us through many challenges, as well as award interpretation and best practice policy and procedure creation. The whole team is great, but Colin and Chris are our main ‘go-to’s!”
– Adrian Barrett
ย Chief Executive, William Barrett & Sons