
By Roger Watson, Sales Trainer and Advisor, Key Business Advisors

KBA sales training ask for add-on saleWith Christmas only weeks away, many companies have already started their peak selling period. During sales training sessions, we are all told how much extra revenue can be made by simply asking the customers if they would like to buy a companion product for their original purchase.

Let’s look at this from the customer’s point of view for a moment. Have you ever gotten home after buying a product only to find that you need that extra “something” to either make it work or get extra pleasure from that purchase?

When I had my first child, I went to an electrical retailer and bought the latest digital video camera. Can you imagine my frustration when I arrived home to find that it didn’t come with a blank cassette to record with? My wife of course asked, “Why didn’t you get a cassette when you bought the video camera?”

My response was, “Because they didn’t tell me I needed one and I assumed there would be one in the box.” When I took my frustration back to the store, I was amazed that they saw this problem as “my error” and not theirs.

Many younger staff feel embarrassed and pushy if they ask for the add-on sale, so I ask them, “What is your customer going to wish they had also purchased when they start to use your product or service?”

Are they going to get home and say…?

  • “I wish I had the right batteries to run this toy on Christmas Day.”
  • “How much nicer would this iPad be with a cover?”
  • “What should I use to clean this?”
  • “How am I protected if this gets lost or stolen or breaks down?”
  • “How can I recharge this quickly and easily?”
  • “This lamp looks great, but I don’t have the right light globe.”

After the major purchase decision has been made, you as a sales professional are then in an ideal position to suggest what would go well with that purchase to increase the customer’s enjoyment of using it.

Do your customers a favour and offer them the things that will make their Christmas brighter.

About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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