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Written by KBA Director, Colin Wilson

What makes a great business is having your staff all on the same page. We all know this, yet sometimes there is a disconnect or misunderstanding about what is expected. Business owners want a profitable business, but a business can be put at risk when staff members or departments are not on the same page. This results in your company being too slow to respond to customers, making it confusing and irritating for your customers. This also may create more conflict in the workplace, or in most cases, some staff simply shut down and give off negative vibes.ย  To ensure your company is making good profits, your whole team must be on the same page to deliver outstanding results.

We are now living in a changing world.ย  Companies now need to be more adaptive, and staff needs to collaborate so there are clear goals and objectives. Having engaged staff who are committed to delivering on customer needs builds a high level of trust with one and another, but most importantly with your customers. We know that company culture is everything in a business as it produces high results. Having staff with knowledge and capabilities is also a key driver for success, but where do you start, and what do you need to look out for?

Where is your company heading? Does it have good strategy and direction? And are your staff aware of where you want to grow or diversify? Do you have an updated strategy document or, more importantly, a refreshed business plan with team input, especially from your leaders? Engaging your staff to help define the future of your company has huge benefits. Many SMEs unfortunately do not do this well as they are time poor or do not have the confidence in their team to help set the new direction. Also, if there is conflict or disagreements among the team, sometimes this ends up in the too hard basket.

Building a great team is all about setting the right pathway.ย  Take some time out and take your team off-site to reflect on where your business has come from. Include ups and downs, especially through COVID, and brainstorm what you think the future of your company should look like. KBA highly recommends getting an outside professional to help you achieve this, so they can manage situations and bring out the best in your staff on day of facilitation.ย  In todayโ€™s world, to make more profits, you need your company to be more effective and efficient, so everyone needs to be on board to grow your company.

Some of the best ideas lie within your team, so use this time to draw out these ideas. Set some boundaries, with expectations and accountability, and most importantly, agree and implement these new strategies. Team input gets everyone on the same page, and it also keeps you more accountable to act on what needs to be done to achieve agreed-upon goals and objectives.

There are many benefits in getting all your staff on the same page:

  • Everyone has a common goal and works towards that daily
  • Everyone knows what is expected from the top down
  • Everyone will collaborate better to achieve collected results
  • Everyone will hold each other accountable to get the job done
  • Everyone will go above and beyond to turn company strategy into action

The above means nothing if you do not take action after a company meeting, off-site or virtual workshop. Running a company where there is a lack of accountability and ownership will create a more disengaged environment. In some cases, there may be a select group of people who will not or do not want change. In todayโ€™s working environment this needs to be dealt with via a proper performance management process for the survival and benefit of the business.

KBA knows from experience that when you collaborate and get staff involved this creates an environment that builds on the culture and capability of a company. We also know that if things are not documented and executed properly then this can be damaging as well. If you can demonstrate ownership has been accounted for, and all leaders are on the same page, then your staff will follow their lead. When this happens, you get amazing results, and if you add some recognition and praise, celebrate achievements with acknowledgments, then you will build a โ€œwell-oiled machineโ€.

If you need help or want to create change for the best in your company, then book a time to seek professional help.

Learn how to build an amazing business through your staff. Book an appointment to see me or one of KBAโ€™s great HR consultants who are waiting to help you and your company to go from good to great!


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At KBA we are a team that is very passionate about taking businesses from good to great. If you need help to grow your company or to look at ways to motivate and better manage your staff, then please contacts us today as we are here to help!

If you would like help or want to know more about our services, please contact us at Key Business Advisors on 1300 4 ADVICE


About The Author

Colin Wilson

Director and founder, Colin Wilson drives Key Business Advisors with determination, passion, and motivation.

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